Forum Discussion
OneDrive: Addressing the Elephant in the Room
Searching through tutorials for "OneDrive," the abundance of information on the topic is endless. Yet, finding a comprehensive guide that truly addresses OneDrive as a persistent issue remains a challenge.
We aim to develop a definitive approach to either streamline OneDrive into a user-friendly tool that enhances the user experience or eliminate it entirely. While some individuals may tolerate or even appreciate OneDrive, the general sentiment within the Windows community appears to lean towards a strong aversion to this tool. Let's avoid turning this discussion into a debate for or against OneDrive.
At this site, I manage various computers including Windows 10, Windows 11, and Linux (Mint). Five of the Windows machines have Office 365 installed. Removing OneDrive from these systems proved to be an arduous battle, requiring extensive effort and time. Although I thought I had successfully removed it, traces of OneDrive persist on a few computers, and there are indications that Microsoft might attempt to reinstall it through regular Windows Updates, a mandatory process for users. Dealing with OneDrive was so challenging that the exact steps taken to eradicate it during my hours-long interactions with Microsoft Tech Support and extensive research are now a distant memory.
Nevertheless, acknowledging the importance and utility of cloud storage in securely maintaining, sharing, and preserving digital content, I strive to empower users - including myself - to harness this technology effectively.
1) Deactivating OneDrive's intrusive features is a priority. OneDrive currently exerts control over directories like Documents, Downloads, Desktop, Pictures, and Videos, dictating the fate of content within these spaces without explicit user consent. I advocate for a user-centric approach where individuals have the autonomy to structure their files and directories according to their preferences. Users should be empowered to choose which content is stored in the cloud and retain control over its location and disposition, both in the cloud and locally. Given that OneDrive typically manages directories where files are automatically directed, establishing a mechanism for content to bypass these spaces or move to user-designated locations promptly is crucial.
Our objective is to either a) relocate content claimed by OneDrive to user-controlled directories continuously or b) restrict OneDrive's access to directories that it perceives as its domain.
2) Alternatively, simplifying the process of completely eliminating OneDrive from a system remains a viable option. Many users, myself included, initially perceived OneDrive as a tool to introduce the benefits of cloud storage in a user-friendly manner. However, for this concept to succeed, user control over the cloud is essential. If OneDrive cannot function as a platform where users retain full authority over their files, including placement, synchronization, modification, and deletion, then removing it entirely -along with the cloud services it offers - is a reasonable request. Let's explore straightforward methods to permanently halt OneDrive's activities or uninstall it from our Windows systems to avoid recurring installations without consent.