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Permissions required to update LogAnalytics AzureDiagnostics table output
Good afternoon, Just starting to get my feet wet on loganalytics queries I can run this query: AzureDiagnostics | where LogicalServerName_s contains 'server1' and Resource contains 'database1' and Category contains 'Errors' And I get some good valuable data. There are a bunch of default columns that are output. However there is also the 'columns filter' option where I can choose more / less columns in my result set from Azurediagnostics. But I can't save my selections. It always resets to the default column values when I rerun the query. Can you provide the permissions I require to update this option? Thank you for your time. You have been very helpful so far.991Views0likes2CommentsLog analytics 'No Results Found'
Hi I apologize if this is a repeat of what I just posted. I think I originally mistakenly posted to myself Re: azure portal logging - no results found @MarkSteben Hello, I am still trying to get log information from some of the sample queries in log analytics. Here is what I have done so far: Server: (NOT a vm) database within server: db1 1. Within server1.db1: built a diagnostic settings instance a. had my IT department define a storage account workspace and connected that workspace to diagnostic settings. b had my IT department define a log analytics workspace and connected that workspace to diagnostic settings c. Within diagnostic settings I clicked on the following to be logged: (under 'log') - SQLInsights - AutomaticTuning - QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics - QueryStoreWaitStatistics - Errors (the purpose of this effort) - DatabaseWaitStatistics - Timeouts - Blocks - Deadlocks (under 'metric') - basic - InstanceAndAppAdvanced - Workload Management 2. Then in the loganalytics workspace I downloaded and installed Windows Agent (64 bit). This automatically connected my machine to the workspace 3. Also within the loganalytics workspace I ensured that Under Azure Storage my storagte account was connected. (I have NOT yet connected any Data sources (options include Windows Event Logs, Windows Performance Counters, IIS Logs among other options) So when I go back to server1.db1.logs and click on any of the sample queries I get the message NO RESULTS FOUND (0 records matched) Also, my IT department gave me: monitoring contributor permission. Any insights/comments welcomed. Thank you!18KViews0likes1Commentazure portal logging - no results found
Hello - I am trying to access the azure logging facility for my servers for the first time. Within the database I wish to post logs to and read logs from I have set up 'diagnostic settings'. Within diagnostic settings I have initialized storage accounts and log analytics. But so far When I go into the 'logs' facility within that database I see 'No results found' for any of the sample queries set up in log analytics. It seems that nothing is being written to the logs yet. Is there something else I missed that I need to do? We have created errors and run queries so I know there is activity on that database. Any help appreciated. Thank you.6.8KViews0likes7Comments
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