Forum Discussion
Jun 18, 2020Copper Contributor
Permissions required to update LogAnalytics AzureDiagnostics table output
Good afternoon,
Just starting to get my feet wet on loganalytics queries I can run this query:
| where LogicalServerName_s contains 'server1' and Resource contains 'database1' and Category contains 'Errors'
And I get some good valuable data. There are a bunch of default columns that are output. However there is also the 'columns filter' option where I can choose more / less columns in my result set from Azurediagnostics. But I can't save my selections. It always resets to the default column values when I rerun the query.
Can you provide the permissions I require to update this option? Thank you for your time. You have been very helpful so far.
- JK_UKBrass Contributor
MarkSteben Use project to choose the columns you want, for instance:
AzureDiagnostics | where LogicalServerName_s contains and server1' and Resource contains 'database1' and Category contains 'Errors' | project TimeGenerated, Resource, OperationName, LogicalServerName_s, DatabaseName_s
or project-away removes columns
- MarkStebenCopper Contributor
JK_UK Thank you for your help!!