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SharePoint Flow, Letter Increment Daily per new entry
Hello, I am trying to have a SharePoint List update from a form input using a flow. I can get the form to update the list just fine, but cannot find a way to have the unique ID (in the Title column) for that entry to increment by a letter value. The unique ID for an entry consists of a letter, the date in yyMMdd format, and the order of entries on that day denoted by a letter (A, B, etc.) For example, for today (4/12/22) the ID should display T220412A, as it is the first entry on 4/12/22. If there is a second entry on 4/12/22 it should inputT220412B, so on and so forth. I would like the letter increment to refresh every day to start with A for the first entry. Tomorrow should be T220413A. I have defined an array variable as VarAlpha that contains each letter of the alphabet. I have also defined an integer variable, i which is set to 0. I have an increment variable section to increase the i value for each entry, but cannot find a way to put them all together. I either cannot get it to display any increment past A or I get 26 entries from the array (one for each letter in the alphabet). Ideally the flow would work like this: Step 1: Input form data into appropriate cell in Sharepoint List - Done Step 2: Check Title column to see if this is the first entry on today's date T220412. Step 3: If it is the first entry add an A to the end of T220412 making it read T220412A. Step 4: If it is not the first entry add a B to the end ofT220412 making it read T220412B for the second entry that day. (Entry 3 is C, Entry 4 is D, etc,) Step 5: On a new day reset the letter increment back to A and start the process again for each new form submission. Ideally, I would like to avoid any business with a calculated column or referencing the ID. I like the flow inputing the values so I can change them if need be. If you need more info feel free and thanks for the help!
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