Add support for Rights Management and Information Protection

Add support for Rights Management and Information Protection



 Apr 29 2021
2 Comments (2 New)

Right management based on devices and users and on document content.


Created as a separate request from the list here: Post requested in Idea Area! - Microsoft Tech Community


We have published a survey where we're collecting more information about how customers are planning to use this feature. Please fill it out and help us prioritize this feature:


Microsoft Information Protection printing capabilities - questionnaire

Example scenario from @Reza_Ameri's original request:

For both scenarios, it would be nice to have a policy to set specific printers which are allowed to print confidential documents. For example, let say we have 10 printers and we want to set only two of them be able to print confidential documents. In this case for non-Confidential documents user will see all printers would be able to print it and for confidential documents user will only see like two printers. Currently we have two policies like user allowed to print or not. But sometimes we want to set a policy like user allowed to print confidential documents and we place them in specific location with limit or protected access.