c# and MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Modul 3.1.0
I have a C# program that uses the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell Modul to read policies etc.
It did work well with Modul Version 2.6.1
After updating to 3.1.0, login via MFA doesn't work anymore (non-MFA still works).
PowerShell Error:
Exception = {"Broker response returned error: WAM Error Wam plugin Microsoft.Identity.Client.Platforms.Features.WamBroker.AadPlugin Error code: 3399548929 Error Message: Need user interaction to continue."}
In WIndows Event Viewer:
Error: 0xCAA2000C The request requires user interaction.
Code: interaction_required
Description: AADSTS50078: Presented multi-factor authentication has expired due to policies configured by your administrator, you must refresh your multi-factor authentication to access 'c5fde071-9440-4083-9e3c-b6712ad6e4d5'.
Trace ID: 195be915-61f3-4dcc-a53a-70f455ce7200
Correlation ID: 49f54e0f-c928-46c2-b000-8bf1511383a7
Timestamp: 2022-01-27 17:06:55Z
TokenEndpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token
Logged at OAuthTokenRequestBase.cpp, line: 449, method: OAuthTokenRequestBase::ProcessOAuthResponse.
Request: authority: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common, client: ecd6b820-32c2-49b6-98a6-444530e5a77a, redirect URI: ms-appx-web://Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin/ecd6b820-32c2-49b6-98a6-444530e5a77a, resource: c5fde071-9440-4083-9e3c-b6712ad6e4d5, correlation ID (request): 49f54e0f-c928-46c2-b000-8bf1511383a7
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, Joerg
joergsc_4711 - The engineering team has ran command in C# for a test tenant with MFA enabled and it is working fine in version 3.1.1. Sharing the script and the output.
Script :
Output :
Can you please update version and try again? And if failing again please share the complete screenshot of error and script?