Start Layout Import Edge Assets Disappear

Copper Contributor

How do I troubleshoot importing Edge assets to a Surface Hub S2 start layout?


I'm using Intune custom UMA-URI setting to customize the start menu layout and images. I'm sending the attached XML to ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Start/ImportEdgeAssets and ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Start/StartLayout. 


There are no errors in Intune. The layout is updated correctly, but the images disappeared. I saw the images once, but after opening one of the apps the images disappeared. 


Is anyone else having the same issue and know how to fix it?



4 Replies

Hello @mellol,


Fortunately this fix just got released with 9C. Try checking for updates and once the September one is installed, just test it out.




Hi @cezarcretu  I just installed 10.0.15063.394 from insiders, but I'm still having the same behavior. As soon as I end session the icons go away. Am I running the version you expected?



This has been confirmed as working with the September update.  Can you confirm that you have KB4516059 installed and still have the issue? If so, please open a case to investigate




I just opened Support request number: 119100324001229