Sharepoint online site Pages permissions

Copper Contributor
Hi everyone, I have problem with managing permissions on my sharepoint online site. I have a patent site with few site pages. I need two acess Groups - one with access to all patent and site Pages, and one Group to all exluded one site Page. While Im trying to manage permissions similiar to previous version of sharepoint I dont achieve my needs. First Im giving two groups access to all - patent and site Pages, and then on this specific site page Im stoping iheriting permissions for one Group so this one cannot see this one site page. But then somehow this Group dont see any of site Pages. I tired several times and slowly I become hopless. Is it possible to manage different permissions for various site Pages on the same patent site? Maybe are here some experts that could help? I will be very thankful.
1 Reply
That should work fine providing you don't have the users in another group with read permissions. I previously used a folder with permissions and moved the pages into those folders.
The navigation will still show the pages if you manually added the URLs rather than the add to navigation options. Navigate to site pages as the user to check if it's a nav problem. If it's showing in highlighted content or search you will need to reindex the library after changing the permissions.
In site permission you can still view a person's permissions to check what they might have access to.