Notification Badges for MS Teams (Home Sites)

Copper Contributor



I'm sure we're not alone in desiring this feature - when there has been a change to content on Home Sites -- e.g. a news article, or new page added, that a notification badge could appear in the Teams icon for the site. 


Are there any methods for implementing this documented somewhere? The simplest would be "news article added" triggers a notification badge - which goes away if the user reads the news article.

Maybe even simpler would be:

 - new page created OR news article added
 - triggers notification badge
 - badge goes away when user clicks the Home Sites icon in Teams

1 Reply
Any update to this? The badge notification on Teams for new news posting, would make it super useful. Currently the only way employees know to check the News site is by receiving an email about the new posting being shared.

Since MSFT wants people to work out of Teams, this NEEDS to be implemented to keep employees engaged and informed rather than checking different sources for news updates.