Forum Discussion

SebastianSzyroki's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 29, 2023

Adding a description to the sharepoint list

Hi is it possible to add a header to the sharepoint list? I want a new list to appear, and a description to the list at the top. Alternatively, it can be a text field, but one in which the text canno...
  • ganeshsanap's avatar
    May 30, 2023

    SebastianSzyroki You can use SharePoint JSON form formatting: Configure layout Header option to add text on top of list form.




        "elmType": "div",
        "attributes": {
            "class": "ms-fontColor-themePrimary"
        "txtContent": "This is a test sample list description on list form"



    You can adjust the JSON and CSS styling as per your requirements.


    DocumentationConfigure the list form - custom header - follow steps given here to add JSON to list form


    Check few form JSON samples available here for JSON styling inspiration: Form Formatting samples for SharePoint and Microsoft Lists 

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