Looking for Viva use cases reference to show customer

Silver Contributor

Hi Friends,

My customer interested to start use viva for his organization. Before that he looking for use cases for his reference. Could you please share if you have any Microsoft references. Thanks 

4 Replies
best response confirmed by Jake_Caddes (Microsoft)

@VI_Migration  You could use the the pre-built insights/reports/dashboard to show as use cases probably - link below
Workplace Analytics insights | Microsoft Docs

Business outcome Why it matters

Enhance organizational resiliencySmall changes to collaboration practices can have transformative effects on organizational productivity at scale.
Boost employee engagementEmployees with high job satisfaction and a strong sense of belonging are more likely to produce high-quality work, identify business opportunities and remain at the organization.
Improve agilityCompanies that redefine industries and lead markets are less bureaucratic and nimbly adapt to rapid changes in technology and customer needs.
Foster innovationEmployees who share information, prioritize learning, and protect time for deep thinking generate the new ideas needed for success in rapidly evolving markets.
Develop effective managersManagers have a large impact on employee engagement, development, and performance, and are pivotal for driving organizational change.
Enhance operational effectivenessSmall changes to collaboration practices can have transformative effects on organizational productivity at scale.
Accelerate changeSlow adoption of new technology harms efforts to attract and retain top talent, improve productivity and can lead to market failure.
Transform meeting cultureMeetings are essential for collaboration, however unnecessary meetings and bad practices can harm engagement and limit productivity.
Increase customer focusCompanies that prioritize customer relationships and satisfaction grow revenue faster than competitors.

@VI_Migration Maybe Visualization Gallery can help you, check this: Visualization Gallery.

Thank you very much.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Jake_Caddes (Microsoft)

@VI_Migration  You could use the the pre-built insights/reports/dashboard to show as use cases probably - link below
Workplace Analytics insights | Microsoft Docs

Business outcome Why it matters

Enhance organizational resiliencySmall changes to collaboration practices can have transformative effects on organizational productivity at scale.
Boost employee engagementEmployees with high job satisfaction and a strong sense of belonging are more likely to produce high-quality work, identify business opportunities and remain at the organization.
Improve agilityCompanies that redefine industries and lead markets are less bureaucratic and nimbly adapt to rapid changes in technology and customer needs.
Foster innovationEmployees who share information, prioritize learning, and protect time for deep thinking generate the new ideas needed for success in rapidly evolving markets.
Develop effective managersManagers have a large impact on employee engagement, development, and performance, and are pivotal for driving organizational change.
Enhance operational effectivenessSmall changes to collaboration practices can have transformative effects on organizational productivity at scale.
Accelerate changeSlow adoption of new technology harms efforts to attract and retain top talent, improve productivity and can lead to market failure.
Transform meeting cultureMeetings are essential for collaboration, however unnecessary meetings and bad practices can harm engagement and limit productivity.
Increase customer focusCompanies that prioritize customer relationships and satisfaction grow revenue faster than competitors.

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