New Blog Post | How Red Canary and Microsoft can help reduce your alert fatigue



How Red Canary and Microsoft can help reduce your alert fatigue - Microsoft Security Blog

Organizations often feel overwhelmed by the number of security alerts they receive. Frustrated by alert fatigue, these organizations want a deeper understanding of security threats and extended coverage to protect themselves. Enterprises typically maintain 70 security products from 35 different vendors1 and burnout from alert fatigue can lead to choices that put a company’s security at risk. Prospective customers have told us they mute security alerts or create rules to ignore or turn off alerts. Some security operations leaders have even said that if a security alert isn’t resolved within a week, it’s automatically deleted from the system.

Security alert fatigue happens when employees become desensitized to alerts and alarms from tools and technology because of their frequency. Since 2019, the number of security alerts has increased by 34 percent.2 In fact, 44 percent of alerts go uninvestigated1 because of the high volume and inadequate staff levels.

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