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MCAS Data Protection Blog Series: MCAS DLP Walk-Through

Sarahzin_Shane's avatar
Mar 03, 2021

MCAS DLP Walk-Through

March 2021


Hi everyone! Welcome to the fourth blog of my MCAS Data Protection Blog Series! If this is your first time seeing this blog, check out my landing page for some more information about me and links to previous blogs!


This month, I’ll be focusing on the new capability of extending Microsoft data loss prevention to MCAS (announced in September here) in the Compliance Center.


As my colleague Mas Libman mentioned, since MCAS provides compliance visibility and control over both native and third-party apps, this new extension of capability pushes the integration for Microsoft DLP policy-based content inspection across connected applications such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, WebEx, One Drive, SharePoint, and others. This goal is to help users remain continuously compliant when using both native and third-party cloud apps. It also helps prevent sensitive content from accidentally or inappropriately being shared. DLP in MCAS now uses the same DLP policy framework common across all Microsoft DLP offerings, to provide a familiar, consistent, and seamless compliance experience.


After this announcement and the rollout of the capability, my team and I have received several questions regarding deployment. For this blog, I’ll be walking through how this looks for MCAS users.


Before we begin, please refer to the table below with some high-level details regarding the portals necessary for the following customer scenario. Disclaimer: the following scenario is based on a use case submitted by a commercial customer.




Colloquial Names

What can you access? (Non-Exhaustive List)

Microsoft 365 Compliance Center





Compliance Center, Compliance Portal

  • Sensitivity Labels
  • Custom and Built-in Information Types
  • Test Custom Information Types
  • Trainable Classifiers
  • Content Explorer
  • Activity Explorer
  • Endpoint DLP

Microsoft Cloud App Security



MCAS, Microsoft CAS, Microsoft CASB

  • File Policies
  • Threat Detection Policies
  • Information Protection Policies
  • Cloud Discovery Policies


Alright, so for our first step, we are going to jump over to the Compliance Portal. Let’s scroll down to Solution and select Data Loss Prevention. From there, please select Policies and click Create Policy.



For the purposes of this effort, we’re going to focus on PCI DSS and select this under Templates from the Financial Category.



Now, enter a name that’ll help you differentiate this policy from others, I’m naming it “Sarahzin: MCAS Credit Card DLP” to make it easier to identify.



Next, let’s choose the location of Microsoft Cloud App Security (only) and click Choose whichever Instances you’d like to use. For my scenario, I selected Box, Salesforce, Dropbox, and ServiceNow.




NOTE: To have your instances pop up here, it is required that your apps already be connected in MCAS. Visit our documentation here to get more guidance on connected apps in MCAS.


Afterwards, move on to the next step and click Create or customize advanced DLP rules.



Next, you can either create a rule or use the prepopulated Low volume of content detected PCI Data Security Standard or High volume of content detected PCI Data Security Standard rule sets. We’re going to create a custom rule and delete the prefilled rule sets (not a requirement).


Please add a condition with the sensitive information type of Credit Card Number. Then, click on Add an action and select Restrict Third Party Apps.



Please select Restrict Third Party Apps at the top, and choose “Send policy-match digest to file owner” for the apps that have this option available. You can choose any of these actions and these are from the list of governance provided by MCAS.



After saving your configurations, your page should look like the image below.



Next, you have the option to turn this on, run in simulation mode, or keep turned off but saved. We’re turning it on.



So once the policy is set through the Compliance center, after some time, it’ll populate in MCAS as a policy. The naming convention will say “MIP - ” with your name from the Compliance Center. In MCAS, go to policies and filter on File Policies. You’ll see your new policy here.



Note: Policies from the Compliance Center pop up in MCAS but policies from MCAS do not pop up in the Compliance Center (only alerts under the Alerts section on the Compliance Center home page).



When you click into the policy in MCAS, you wont be able to change any of the configurations. It gives you a warning that “This policy is an imported subset rule of Microsoft Information Protection policy. Read-only fields can be edited in the original policy. Go to Microsoft Information Protection policies.”



The filters are pre-filled and your governance actions are selected as well.



You’ll notice that the policy has a couple matches. When you click into the matches, you’ll find the files that triggered the policy.



There you have it! Your policies are working now and triggering any time you have matches.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or if you’d like to see something else.




Let us know if you have any feedback or relevant use cases/requirements for this portion of Cloud App Security by emailing and mention the core area of concern.


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Follow us on LinkedIn as #CloudAppSecurity. To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us at @MSFTSecurity on Twitter, and Microsoft Security on LinkedIn for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity. 

Updated Nov 02, 2021
Version 5.0
  • bsieff91's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    I noticed in the DLP policy you have restrict third party apps which includes ones like Webex and G-suite that aren't included when you're in the MCAS policy. Is this because you haven't done the integration in MCAS and that's why it's not displayed or are these two pieces separate from one another? Thanks in advance. 

  • LM's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    What happens when you have conflicting DLP policies - One in the compliance center and one in MCAS, which one takes precedence? Is it recommended to use the DLP policy in the compliance center? Looks like the MCAS file policy offers more governance actions. 

  • Chordash-IL's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Sarahzin_Shane,


    During testing, I noticed DLP alerts generated from MCAS based off unified DLP policies were only available to manage through the MCAS portal. Is there by chance any future plans to integrate such MCAS DLP alerts with the other unified DLP alerts in the M365 Compliance portal? Though, I would understand if there are some major difficulties with achieving that.

