Forum Discussion

Pinheiroevy's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 27, 2023

Trouble with Microsoft Project app


I received a file and when a open it showed up this msg

anyone can help me?

why is this happening and how do I fix it?


Thank u 

  • John-project's avatar
    Silver Contributor


    First, what version of Project are you using?

    Second, from where or from whom did you receive the file? Is it a trusted source? If so, what happens when you select "yes"? Does the file open?


    If you do not trust the origin of the file, I would delete it and move on.



    • Pinheiroevy's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi John-project ,

      Microsoft Project Standard 2016


      This file came from my coworker, and it is a trusted source.

      it doesnt matter wich option i choose, its opens and works as expected.

      but always than i open this file show up this msg and i dont know why.

      • John-project's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        Apparently whoever created the file included some type of links, be they paste links from another app, hyperlinks, an image file, etc.

        Was the file ever part of a linked structure (i.e. was it part of a master/subproject or resource pool/sharer structure)?

        And again, back to my first question. What version of Project are you using?

        Would you be willing/able to send the file to me so I could look at it? If so, I'll give you my information.
