Trouble with Microsoft Project app

Copper Contributor


I received a file and when a open it showed up this msg


anyone can help me?

why is this happening and how do I fix it?


Thank u 

5 Replies


First, what version of Project are you using?

Second, from where or from whom did you receive the file? Is it a trusted source? If so, what happens when you select "yes"? Does the file open?


If you do not trust the origin of the file, I would delete it and move on.



Hi @John-project ,

Microsoft Project Standard 2016


This file came from my coworker, and it is a trusted source.

it doesnt matter wich option i choose, its opens and works as expected.

but always than i open this file show up this msg and i dont know why.

Apparently whoever created the file included some type of links, be they paste links from another app, hyperlinks, an image file, etc.

Was the file ever part of a linked structure (i.e. was it part of a master/subproject or resource pool/sharer structure)?

And again, back to my first question. What version of Project are you using?

Would you be willing/able to send the file to me so I could look at it? If so, I'll give you my information.
Hi @John-project,
Im using Microsoft Project Standard 2016
I cant share the file because there are confidential infos.

"Apparently whoever created the file included some type of links, be they paste links from another app, hyperlinks, an image file, etc."
I think so, but idk how to find out the content with link
Okay, let's start with this approach. Open the file and then save as XML. Then open the XML in Project. Note, you will lose any custom formatting but it should clear any rogue issues.

If the file still shows the message take these steps.
1. Add the Hyperlink field as a column in the Gnatt Chart view. If there are any entries, select and delete them.
2. Go to, Project > Properties group > Links Between Projects. When the sub-window appears are there any entries in either the External Predecessors or External Successors tabs? If so, select each one and hit the "Delete Link" button.
3. Go to, Resource > Resource Pool group. When the Share Resources window appears. Is there any evidence of a connection to a resource pool file?

More later,