Populate a Word Template with nested tables and images

Copper Contributor


I have to Populate or Generate a word file, that will have up to 6 nested tables of information inside, plus dynamic images.

Has anyone achieved this, how can this be done?

I know there are some third party connectors, like Encodian, but I`m not sure which one fo them to use and if they are capable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

3 Replies
Robert94 --

You erroneously posted your question about Microsoft Word in a user forum dedicated to Microsoft's project management tools. I would recommend you repost your question in a user forum dedicated to Microsoft Word. Hope this helps.
Not exactly, I just want to generate a Word/PDF file with Power Automate.
Robert94 --

This is NOT a Power Automate user forum either. Again, if you want an answer to your question, I would recommend you post it to a more relevant user forum, such as one dedicated to Power Automate questions. Hope this helps.