Apr 29 2022 07:42 AM
I have a group of 10 tasks , say group 1 tasks. These 10 tasks have a hierarchy among themselves.
I have another group of 100 tasks, say group 2 tasks. These 100 tasks have a hierarchy among themselves too.
Group 1 tasks are co-located. Group 2 tasks are co-located and they do not overlap.
The % Complete of each of the group 1 tasks, should be a roll up of a few of group 2 tasks. These group 2 tasks, can be located anywhere within the group 2 bundle, i.e. they won't be located sequentially.
How do I link a particular group 1 task with a set of group 2 tasks, to get an aggregated % complete value ? I can't put group 1 task as a summary task within group 2 block because that would make group 1 & group 2 overlap.
If I just link group 1 & group 2 tasks, it impacts the dates and not the % complete aggregation. So how do I link two tasks, without a Summary - Sub task relationship to roll up the % complete ?
Any thoughts ??
A hack, which I can think of is, if I can create a dummy group 2 task, which mirrors the actual task attributes of real group 2 task and place it within group 1 block, Group 1's task's % complete can be aggregated. But is there a way to "link" two tasks, so that one task mirrors other tasks attribute - like, if I change the task name / duration / % complete etc. of one task, it gets changed in other task too ? something like in excel linking of two cells.
Any thoughts on this too ?
Apr 29 2022 08:29 AM
Apr 29 2022 08:36 AM
Apr 29 2022 03:46 PM
Apr 29 2022 03:48 PM
Apr 29 2022 05:10 PM
Apr 30 2022 07:31 AM
Allow me to explain the complete scenario
Scenario :
There is a Master.mpp and Vendor.mpp
Master.mpp contains high level task, which roll up as summary tasks. Vendor.mpp contains low level tasks, which roll up as summary tasks.
Unfortunately, the summary tasks in Vendor.mpp does not neatly align to tasks in Master.mpp. Tasks in vendor.mpp only align logically to tasks in Master.mpp.
Hence the challenge is how to get % complete for tasks in Master.mpp.
Duration of tasks in Master.mpp is bulk duration, which vendor.mpp tasks & summary task must adhere to.
Solution I thought :
If I take the tasks from Master.mpp and place it in Vendor.mpp say, as a Group Task 1) and link the summary tasks & subtask which are native to Vendor.mpp to the Group Task 1 to which they logically correlate, the % complete can flow up. But then, linking tasks just moves the dates, not % complete. Moreover, tasks from Master.mpp has larger duration, say 4 months, but the tasks in Vendor.mpp has duraiton in days & weeks. If we link them in any ways, what's the impact on duraiton of Group 1 tasks (i.e. Master.mpp tasks) ?
Is there a simple solution to the scenario ? Am i overcomplicating a solution ?
Attached is the sample file. Since .mpp attachment is not supported, please rename the attached file from Sample.xls to Sample.mpp
Apr 30 2022 08:08 AM