Forum Discussion

MikeT67's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 13, 2022

Late predecessors filter

I have a project file that is used to provide a current status of our annual budgeted projects. Tasks are limited to "preparation of submission" > "approval 1" > "approval 2" > "approval 3" > project...
  • John-project's avatar
    Sep 17, 2022


    I think it's interesting that the subject of your original post has nothing to do with what you really wanted or the final solution. But, I think we finally got to the bottom of it all, (or maybe the top), and here's what I have for you.


    This is the sample test file with progress on some tasks, some complete and a couple in progress. The Status Date is set to 9/9/22.

    This is what the Resource Usage view shows after the macro is run to find the "late" resources. A "late resource" is defined as reported % Complete less than "expected" percent complete and "expected" percent complete is defined as linear cumulative progress from task start to the status date expressed as a percent of total task duration. For reference, the resource assignment Flag1 field is renamed as "Exp % Complete".

    With a custom filter set to look for resource Flag1 and showing related summary (i.e. resource) rows, this is the result.

    Is this awesome or what?


    Oh yeah, I almost forgot. And here's the macro that does it:

    Option Explicit
    Sub MikT67Special()
    'Macro written by John-Project for Aussie Mike
    '9/16/22 4:00 PM MST
    'This macro examines all resource assignments and sets the resource assignment Flag1 true
    ' if the task is on-going (i.e. not complete) and reported progresss (i.e. % Complete) is less
    ' then expected percent complete. Excpected percent complete is defined as linear cumulative duration
    ' from assignment start to Status Date.
    Dim r As Resource
    Dim a As Assignment
    Dim DtDif As Single
    Dim PlanPer As Single

    For Each r In ActiveProject.Resources
    If Not r Is Nothing Then
    For Each a In r.Assignments
    'reset tresource assignment flag from previous run
    a.Flag1 = False
    'only look at on-going assignments
    If a.ActualStart <> "NA" Then
    DtDif = Application.DateDifference(a.ActualStart, ActiveProject.StatusDate)
    'check if assign should have finished and if so, normalize planned percentage
    If a.Finish < ActiveProject.StatusDate Then DtDif = a.Task.Duration
    PlanPer = DtDif / a.Task.Duration * 100
    'write expected completion to assignment Text1 for reference
    a.Text1 = PlanPer & " %"
    'flag task that is "late" per expected completion as of status date
    If a.PercentWorkComplete < 100 And a.PercentWorkComplete < PlanPer Then a.Flag1 = True
    End If
    Next a
    End If
    Next r
    End Sub
