Apr 25 2022 05:33 AM
Hi there,
I want to perform a task similar to inserting a subprojects to create a consolidated Plan. However, I do not want to insert the whole project in the consolidated plan. I only want to insert a section of Plan B (a summary task and its subtasks. E.g Testing as a summary task and all the tasks that sits under it just as it is ) into the consolidated plan. How can I do it. Can anyone help pls?
Apr 25 2022 11:52 AM
SolutionApr 27 2022 01:55 AM
Thanks @John-project . I was actually thinking dynamic link such that once the section is updated in the subsisting project the update automatically filter through the Consolidated plan when I open it. Thanks anyway- I wasn’t sure if I was pushing my luck to much 😁
Apr 27 2022 07:57 AM
Thanks for the feedback. If I answered your question, please consider marking my response as the answer.
Apr 25 2022 11:52 AM