Forum Discussion
Feb 16, 2023Copper Contributor
Generating scheduling reports for individuals
Hi all, Every monday morning we have a planning-meeting for this department, and want to show people neatly what tasks they'll be working on for the upcoming 4 weeks. They might be working on severa...
Feb 16, 2023Silver Contributor
Is your goal to have a separate sheet for each resource's assignments over a 4 week period? That appears to be what your concept drawing shows.
Dale's suggestion for using Using the Date Range filter on the Resource Usage view is a quick and easy way to meet the intent of what you want. If that is acceptable to your boss, then great, you're done. However if it is still not acceptable and you want a more isolated view like your concept drawing, you'll need a macro to create that report in Excel. If you are interested, let me know.
Feb 17, 2023Copper Contributor
Hi John,
It is indeed the idea to have a more isolated view and I'd be very much interested in such a macro, especially if it could be setup as easy that my boss would have to take a minimal amount of steps to generate the report. Bonus point if we can set it up by default to be pleasing to the eyes and neatly printable.
Something like:
>Activate macro/report
>Select resource>[Resourcename A]
>Enter week range (for example:) Week 40-44
>generate report
>Badabing, badaboom.
>ctrl-p to print
If this is possible I'd sure be glad to have it. Can I contact you privately anywhere for further discussion?
With kind regards,
- John-projectFeb 17, 2023Silver Contributor
Yeah a macro can do everything you want except for one thing. The Project object model does not support the badabing and badaboom properties of the resource object. I've been meaning to submit a request for that functionality to the Project developers for a while but just haven't gotten around to it. Do you happen to have a round to it, all my to it's are square.
Had enough? Okay, down to the nuts and bolts (no washers). I've written a lot of macros that export Project data to Excel and create custom reporting. I probably have something close enough to what you want ,(except for the above of course), that can be tweaked to produce a "boss friendly" report. You can contact me at the address below. I will ask some questions.
And yeah, if you want to work with me you are gonna have to put up with more of the above. It's just the way I roll.
(remove obvious redundancies)