Duration of Days not Accurate in Project for the Web (Using Template/Resource Calendar in PowerApps)

Copper Contributor

I am using a Resource Calendar Template I created that sets working time as Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm.


When I set start and end dates for a task as 4/10/23 and 4/14/23, my duration is automatically calculated as 5.63 days instead of 5.


As a test, I connected to another Resource Calendar Template my company uses with the same settings (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm) and it is calculating the hours correctly. For example, on that calendar when a tasks' dates are 4/10/23 - 4/14/23 my duration is 5 days.


I now believe my new Calendar Template is calculating half days in duration. Does anyone know how to check this and edit this?

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