Document Control with MS Project

Copper Contributor

Hi All,

I am setting up MS Project to track several hundred SOP and Work Instruction document creation and updates by a team of ten supervisors and managers. The goal is to streamline the file upload and progress reporting to provide accurate weekly reports to management. I am using Project Online with a Project Site (PWA) and tasks with Internal Deliverables. I would like to be able to do the following:


  1. Assign Deliverables to project members (Resources) in MS Project and use one of the following to upload and track the individual assigned tasks and deliverables
    1. MS Project on the web or Online
    2. MS Planner
    3. MS Teams
  2. Have the project members be able to:
    1. Update progress, % complete
    2. Upload individual documents as attachments to the Task Line Item or Deliverables Table
  3. Have MS Project Online
    1. Update progress to the Project from one of the following:
      1.       MS Project Online
      2.       MS Planner
      3.       MS Teams
    2. Place uploaded document attachment links or hyperlinks to:
      1.       Task line item in project
      2.       Deliverables Table
    3. Place uploaded deliverable attachments in a specific folder, by resource/team member, in the Project Site. It now places them all in the project site documents folder


  1. Hundreds of documents to track.
  2. Ten or more team members collaborating on documents.
  3. Team has varied experience with software so looking for least complex option for training purposes.
  4. Time sensitive due to needing documents for training in a Start-Up.

I hope I have given enough detail for what I am trying to achieve. Which is to distribute document assignments and have team members update progress and upload documents into Teams, Planner or a flavor of Project and have those files link to Project automatically. I do understand that each option has setup hurdles but am hoping someone with previous experience with a project like this could guide me to the efficient solution.


Thank you for your time and feedback in advance,

1 Reply
best response confirmed by Dale_HowardMVP (MVP)
In my research I was able to find an answer for the updating the progress.
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Dale_HowardMVP (MVP)
In my research I was able to find an answer for the updating the progress.

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