Forum Discussion

Kdekruif's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 22, 2023

Bulk Edit Not Working

I would like to bulk edit tasks, specifically the Task Calendar.    I highlight multiple rows (2 or more), select Information -> Advanced -> Calendar and then pick a calendar, but no changes are ma...
  • Dale_HowardMVP's avatar
    Sep 27, 2023
    All --

    I have the same version of Microsoft Project that others are using. I just did an extensive test on the features in the Multiple Task Information dialog, and can confirm that NOTHING is working in this dialog. I tried changing the Duration for a block of tasks. No go. I tried changing the constraint type to As Soon as Possible to a block of tasks, each of which has a SNET constraint applied, and no go again. It is obvious that Microsoft has introduced a bug into Microsoft Project, and this bug NEEDS TO BE FIXED. I will report this bug to my contacts within Microsoft to see if they can get the fix moving. Thanks so much to all for reporting this.
