Forum Discussion

Marco_Vendra's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 09, 2023

Associate a task with both a work resource and a cost, and sign 100% completed activity

Ciao a tutti, su microsoft Project nel momento in cui vado ad assegnare ad una stessa attività del mio Gantt sia una risorsa lavoro che una risorsa costa, e successivamente contrassegno quell'attività come completata al 100%, i costi effettivi sostenuti identificano solo quelli della risorsa lavoro mentre quelli associati ai costi della risorsa vengono riportati come residui/ancora da svolgere. Sapete perché? Ovviamente il mio obiettivo è che nel momento in cui definisco un'attività portata a termine al 100% per vedere come efficaci sia i costi legati alla risorsa lavoro sia quelli legati ai costi delle risorse. Mille Grazie

Mi spiego. Informazioni su Microsoft Project Ho un'attività di scarico di camion e associo questa attività alla mia risorsa di lavoro, un mio tecnico, che lavora un giorno, e una risorsa costi di noleggio carrelli elevatori, noleggiata da una ditta esterna. Terminata quella giornata e segnata l'attività come conclusa, nei costi effettivi trovo solo quelli legati alla mia risorsa lavoro e non quelli del noleggio di carrelli elevatori.

come? Non cambia se metto che i costi del costo delle risorse da attribuire all'inizio, alla fine o in quote, non viene visualizzato come effettivo in ogni caso.

Se associo invece ad un'attività del Gantt solo i costi delle risorse, e metto quell'attività così come completata al 100%, viene inserita correttamente come costo effettivo.

Il problema sorge quindi quando associo diversi tipi di risorse alla stessa attività.

Spero di essere stato chiaro

Grazie mille a chiunque risponda


  • Marco_Vendra,
    For future questions please use English.

    Cost resources are not tied to task effort (work) or duration, so they will be independent of percent work complete or percent complete. In order to accrue the actual cost for a cost type resource, you need to enter the value into the Actual Cost field.

    Since your scenario is for a rented machine (forklift), you might consider setting it as a work resource with a zero standard rate but with a cost per use value. For example, let's say the forklift rents for $100/day. Each time the forklift is assigned to a task, whether the task is 1 hour or 1 day, the forklift will cost $100. However, note that if the task is a two day task, it will still only accrue a cost of $100, so this method may or may not be appropriate for your needs.

    Hope this helps.
  • John-project's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    For future questions please use English.

    Cost resources are not tied to task effort (work) or duration, so they will be independent of percent work complete or percent complete. In order to accrue the actual cost for a cost type resource, you need to enter the value into the Actual Cost field.

    Since your scenario is for a rented machine (forklift), you might consider setting it as a work resource with a zero standard rate but with a cost per use value. For example, let's say the forklift rents for $100/day. Each time the forklift is assigned to a task, whether the task is 1 hour or 1 day, the forklift will cost $100. However, note that if the task is a two day task, it will still only accrue a cost of $100, so this method may or may not be appropriate for your needs.

    Hope this helps.
    • Marco_Vendra's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      thank you so much for the explanation. To manually update only the actual costs I have to change the settings on options?
      thank you very much
      • John-project's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.

        By default Project automatically calculates actual cost based on resource rate and % work complete. However you can change the option, File > Options > Schedule group and uncheck the option:
        "Actual costs are always calculated by Project".

    • RodFromm's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      John-project Did you mean Material resources don't accrue cost based on % Complete, because Cost resources do accrue Actual Cost based on % Complete. 

      • John-project's avatar
        Silver Contributor

        Yeah, that's true if the cost resource is the only resource assigned to the task. However, the stated case was for both a work and cost resource assigned to the task. In that case, actual cost only updates based on the work resource.

        An interesting and rather curious side point is that for a task with both a work and cost type resource, it is impossible to set the task % Complete field to 100%. Project limits the value to 99%. On the other hand, if % work complete is set to 100%, Project again only allows 99%, BUT, the user has the ability to set the % work complete for the cost type resource to 100%. Actual cost for both resource types is picked up. Make sense? No, not really, but that's how she works, at least for Project 2019 Pro.

        Why Project is set up that way I have no idea.

