Feb 25 2019 12:26 PM
Feb 25 2019 12:26 PM
I can send an email in PowerApps to multiple recipients using this code.
Office365.SendEmail("username1@abc.com; username2@abc.com;", "Test PowerApps Email", "This is a test.")
How could I rework the code to reference a variable instead of a string?
With my screen selected, I set OnVisible to:
Set(VarEmailRecipients, "username1@abc.com; username2@abc.com;")
However this code did not work.
Office365.SendEmail(VarEmailRecipients, "Test PowerApps Email", "This is a test.")
Any recommendations?
Feb 25 2019 02:42 PM
Feb 25 2019 02:53 PM
Here is a screenshot of the var. I don't know why it says "No value" as I have run it several times and would think it would be populated.
Feb 25 2019 02:53 PM
SolutionFeb 25 2019 03:19 PM
I had just started so I only had a single screen. I created a 2nd screen, a button to navigate from screen 2 to screen 1 and the var was successfully echoed to the screen. Thx for the help!
Feb 25 2019 02:53 PM