Forum Discussion

alexw94's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 26, 2024

New Power Automate flow to check if folders are created?

I'm reaching out for assistance with building a new Power Automate Flow. Here's what I'm aiming to achieve: I want to create a flow that monitors a SharePoint document library for the creation of new folders. Specifically, I'd like it to check each newly created folder to see if another folder named "Documents" exists within it.

If the "Documents" folder already exists within the newly created folder, I'd like the flow to do nothing and simply complete. However, if the "Documents" folder hasn't been created yet, I'd like the flow to automatically create it within the newly created folder.

In the SharePoint document library, newly created folders are named with a unique five-digit number, as shown in the screenshot below. It's within these numbered folders that I need the flow to perform its checks and create the "Documents" folder if necessary.

Thank you in advance for your help!

  • alexw94 Are you creating these folders with unique five-digit number name manually or programmatically?


    If programmatically - it is better to create "Documents" folder inside each of the numbered folder from that same program itself.

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    • alexw94's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      These folders are automatically added by many means of different ways.
      There are alot added and when they are added they dont always have the "Documents" folder created within it.

      I want a flow that can check this and if no folder with that name exsists, create the folder.
