Nov 02 2016 07:03 AM
Dear all, this might be a very basic question but I was wondering who has access to create flows.
Does it respect the permissions within a SharePoint teamsite?
For example can a user with read access to a library create a flow on changes to documents within that library?
Nov 03 2016 05:52 AM
@jcgonzalezmartin Thanks! Sorry for my confusion. So e.g. users with the Contribute permissions level would be able to create flows? Or is it the Edit permission level that can.
Nov 03 2016 05:58 AM
Nov 03 2016 07:30 AM
@jcgonzalezmartin ok good to know. So potentially you could have many users having conflicting flows on items within a library if not managed correctly?
Are the flow permissions controlled somewhere?
Nov 03 2016 09:13 AM