Sep 19 2016 03:22 PM
Sep 19 2016 03:22 PM
If Salesforce is supported, why SQL Azure is not supported that Flow triggers new/modified records?
Sep 20 2016 02:26 PM
Sep 25 2016 01:51 PM
SQL Azure should be a proiority though, that is the point. Thanks for your input @jcgonzalezmartin
Sep 25 2016 11:03 PM
Sep 30 2016 12:14 PM
Hi! Flow has started to support the new and modification records of SQL Azure tables triggering few days ago. I am happy of it has arrived finally. I am testing but i think it lacks of basic features.
PS: What is the link of uservoice in this community?
Sep 30 2016 01:10 PM
Oct 27 2016 03:03 PM
Hi. I want to correct: Flow still does NOT support triggering New/Edit SQL Azure records. I thought this has started because of the misleading Template "Notify about rows in a SQL DB"
It is funny that this example starts with Recurrence (time interval), and this means you will be notified about a record everytime Recurrence occurs 😞
Bottom line is that Flow still does not support triggering on NEW/EDIT SQL Azure.
Dear Microsoft, please do!