Forum Discussion

LadislavStupak's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 13, 2024

DateAdd is adding one hour more on 31.3.2024

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


in Power Apps I try to build a date with time.


From Date Picker I get the date.

From Dropdowns I add hours and minutes.


It is working well for all test dates I have chosen with exception of 31.3.2024.


For this date I get one hour more in the result.


I would say it is a bug.


Set(EventStartDay; dtpStartWeekly.SelectedDate);;
Set(EventStartDate; EventStartDay);;
Set(EventStartDate; DateAdd(EventStartDate;EventStartHours;TimeUnit.Hours));;
Set(EventStartDate; DateAdd(EventStartDate;EventStartMinutes;TimeUnit.Minutes));;


Thank you for your help.

Ladislav Stupak

  • stum's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    HI LadislavStupak,


    Please change the Time zone adjustment of the date field if you can and set it to Time zone independent and try again.

    • LadislavStupak's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Hi stum,

      thank you for your response.

      How can I change the Time zone adjustment of the date picker object in Power App?
      • stum's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        HI LadislavStupak,


        If it is a Canvas app, you can set the Date time zone to UTC.


        If it is a custom table, you can set it from the table in Columns by selecting the column and set the Time zone Adjustment to Time zone independent.

