Forum Discussion
Oct 15, 2019Copper Contributor
Combine Filter and sort in PowerApps
Hi, I am hoping someone can help me with a problem I am having: I have a gallery in PowerApps. The data source is a SharePoint List (OOSListAT). Now I want to filter this after a yes/no choice...
Norman Young
Oct 16, 2019MVP
I don't know how to combine those functions either but, for the search bar you can use code similar to below:
SortByColumns(Filter([@'Site Security - Detail'],StartsWith(Member.DisplayName,TextSearchBox1.Text),Current.Value="Yes"),"Title",If(SortDescending1,Descending,Ascending))
- [@'Site Security - Detail'] is OOSListAT
- Member.DisplayName is the column name you want to search for
- TextSearchBox1.Text is the name of the search box
In my app it sorts as expected. Hopefully this will work for you as well.
I hope this helps.