Jul 22 2016 06:00 AM
Why is Planner under Office Apps section in the new network? Wouldnt it make more sense to be its own top level service? Or worst case a subgroup under O365 Groups since it is really fits kinda underneath that technology?
Jul 22 2016 11:14 AM
Jul 22 2016 03:05 PM
Hey Darrell, that is how it is organized now in order to keep things clean. Agreed that 'technically' everything is an Office App, just as PowerPoint, Excel, etc. can be found in the app launcher as well. We are working on finding a way to better surface the groups that are hidden under Office Apps.
Jul 25 2016 06:24 AM
So....that doesnt exactly answer the question. The "what the general public would deem office apps" are properly located, but Planner doesnt fit in with that. It isnt a matter of cleanliness or surfacing information (although that is still a huge problem right now). Planner is just in the wrong place.
Aug 01 2016 08:28 AM
If the app/service has an icon in the O365 App Launcher, then it ought to be a top-level section here in the community (e.g. Planner, Sway). That's what people would naturally expect.
Aug 01 2016 03:12 PM