When will Planner be available for Government O365 subscriptions?

Copper Contributor

We have government G3 O365 subscriptions.  When will Planner be available to us?



98 Replies

I have been hunting for this information for quite some time with no solid answer. All I do know is that each service team defines their own roadmaps on if / when to build out and support the required infrastructure within the GCC. Last I heard there was no ETA for Planner - which is quite disappointing 😞

I know my answer is not going to help, but Planner rollout is supposed to be happening till the end of the year. By the way, have you tried to type directly in the Url

Just tried the url you suggested.  Got a page back that said "they weren't ready for us yet".......


But thanks!



I am actually more than happy with that answer. All of my inquiries have fallen into black holes and being able to tell my end users "within the next three months" would be great. Do you mind me asking where you got that information from?


Or, by "planner rollout", do you mean world-wide rollout of the Planner service to commercial tenants (which the GCC is not a part of)?

I heard this information directly from someone from the way, I fear I cannot answer your question in regards what means WW rollout :-(.... pinging @cfiessinger so he can help us pinging someone from the Planner Team that could provide a more precise answer

Adding @ErayC from the Planner team

Any updates on this front? ☺

Any update on this front?

We are targeting GCC rollout by the end of 2017.

BUMMMMMMMMMMMMER!  That is sooooooooooooooooooooooo far away.  I need it next week. . . 

BUMMMMMMMMMMMMER!  That is sooooooooooooooooooo far away.  I need it next week. . . 

@cfiessinger @Dave Heller Thanks for the information, we appreciate your continued support of Government customers.  It will be great to have a tool like this that will help us more efficiently provide essential services to our customers.  It is in that spirit that I want to ask if you could release this feature any earlier.  My users are clamoring for this feature and want to provide the service as soon as possible.  A clear Date [July 1st for instance 🙂 ]  would also help us communicate to our customers.  A projected "end of 2017", might as well be "soon", while a date gives them a light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks again for your support! 

Yes, sooner rather than later please!



We are still targeting release by EOY 2017, and I will let you know if that date moves. I appreciate the feedback, and please keep it coming!


@James Sutton wrote:

Yes, sooner rather than later please!




Ditto to all these. We _need_ this out here in the perimeter...

Thanks for the past updates, looking forward to more news. Anything you can share since the last?

We too are with G3, and been patiently waiting for this to be rolled out. Looks like we still have 6 more months. I sure hope that things don't go even longer than EOY 2017.

Thank you - it is almost imposible to plan and get information about GCC.

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best response confirmed by ErayC (Microsoft)