Aug 06 2019 11:08 PM
Anyone has a suggestion on why this error is being encountered?
We couldn't upload the attachment "file.docx". Please try again later or upload to the Files section of your plan.
At a task, you click on "Add attachment" and then "File", select file to upload then the error is encountered.
The file is uploaded if I go directly to Files in the plan - however my newly upload file does not show up when I "Add attachment" then "SharePoint". In the Documents pop-up, I will scroll down to locate it but then the listing is blank (keep scrolling down is still blank). If I sort the Modified Date column, I still don't see the file I just uploaded.
I could "Add attachment" and then "Link" to the file in SharePoint but I don't understand why I am encountering this problem.
It has been working. The file I'm trying to attach is only 35kb.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Aug 06 2019 11:58 PM
Hi, I cannot reproduce your problem. Are you able to provide some screen shots so we can see exactly what is happening please?
Aug 07 2019 02:46 AM
Aug 07 2019 09:11 AM
@ben_projectI should have posted a screenshot in my original post.
Going through the following steps:
1) click on a task in a bucket
2) click on Add attachment button then File
3) select file from desktop
4) see screenshot below for error encountered
These steps have been used for a long time. It just suddenly stopped working.
@Juan Carlos González Martín- I couldn't find anything online with that error message. I thought I check in with the community but it looks like I will have to submit a Microsoft support ticket.
Aug 07 2019 09:16 AM
As you say, it should just work. Worth trying a few different browsers and users to see if you can narrow the problem down, but if the problem is organisation wide then a support ticket is the way to go!
Aug 07 2019 09:21 AM
Aug 22 2019 08:59 AM