Forum Discussion

JohnnyGman's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 17, 2019

Removing Users from a Plan

We have an Office 365 Group that has about 60 members and has Planner enabled.  For the people that are members of the group, we have small teams of 7-10 users as well.  For each team, we have created their own plan within Planner for them to use.  We wanted to customize the users for each plan so that only the members of those teams would show up on them when assigning members to tasks and for metrics (and hopefully only they would have access to them).  According to this article we should be able to do so in the Planner site...


However, what we have found is that when we remove users from a plan via that site, it actually removes them from their membership completely from the Office 365 group as well.  Obviously this is complete unacceptable.  I assume this is a bug.  Is anyone aware of it, or a workaround to limit access to a plan within Planner?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

  • Indeed! This is by design! Members of the plan corresponds to members of the Office 365 group! You can add and remove members to a plan but all it does is basically add/removes this members from the office 365 group!
    There’s no way currently to add or remove members of any group plans without also add/remove from group
  • Trude123's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    JohnnyGman I really hope this is fixed when new Planner is launched Spring 2024!!!  I urge everyone that experience an issue with this, i.e. not being able to control users of Planner vs Team members to speak up. I would think that the more people complaining the larger the possibility gets that this is fixed.


    Notably the best competitor to Planner (that I've experienced) is Trello.

    To keep the users of Planner MS should really change in the direction of at least grant us the possibility to administer the users!

  • jorgeripol's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    One more here complaining about this...


    1. If there is no intention on separating Plan members from Group members management, it should be not possible to manage and remove a member from the Plan itself (or at lest to display a warning message). This is totally confusing.
    2. As a design improvement, it would be really useful to have specific Plan members (or visibility) inside a Group. Something similar to what can be done in Teams with Channels (private channels within the Team).

    Thank you,

    Kind regards

  • Brett02's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This is frustrating . I was no longer part of a project plan and now removed from 5 teams They should not have them linked or give you a warning besides if you remove from plan you will also be removed from the TEAM group as well.

  • xpolo's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Pongo un ejemplo de uso, porque no acabo de entender como usar planner de una manera que sea útil.
    Un grupo tiene 20 usuarios, se crean 4 planners para diferentes partes del proyecto. Por lo general los usuarios utilizarán solo 2 de los planners, ya que no participan en todas las partes del proyecto.
    Sin embargo, cada vez que alguien hace un comentario a una tarea se envía un mensaje a todos los miembros del grupo. Incluso si no participan o si no tienen tareas en ese planner.
    Según la pantalla de configuración de planner, esto solo se puede evitar si el usuario desactiva recibir mensajes del GRUPO, con lo que o recibe comentarios de cosas que no le interesan o no recibe ningún comentario. ¿esto es así? Porque yo no lo veo ningún sentido.
  • ccllcc's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    We need to remove a few people that no longer in the team. They might be still in the company but switching to other organizations. And there are new members joining. If there is no way to remove people from the plan, the assignee list (filter) will become endlessly long, no?
    • SanthoshB1's avatar
      Bronze Contributor
      Yes, unless the user is member of the Group, they are member of the Plan as well. To overcome this problem, MSFT introduces roster plans.
  • David_Yan_AZ's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    JohnnyGman yes, I just did that and am trying to find solution to recover this. There should at least be a notice when you are trying to remove people from it.

    • Sukar27's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      David_Yan_AZ I could see this thread is still active. Are there any updates on this issue - removing people from plan removes them from the group? 

      • David_Yan_AZ's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Sukar27 I am afraid there is no sign from MS to solve this, as there were not enough votes, or complaint.

  • Indeed! This is by design! Members of the plan corresponds to members of the Office 365 group! You can add and remove members to a plan but all it does is basically add/removes this members from the office 365 group!
    There’s no way currently to add or remove members of any group plans without also add/remove from group
    • albertoianiro's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      adam deltinger it's so terrible, I've spent hours to understand why memebers was missing after that I removed them from a plan :sad:

      • Brett02's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        I got around that by creating the sub channel that the plan would be based off ofalbertoianiro . So if they are on the channel they would be in whatever planner I made. It kept it easier to manage then having say the general channel with 60 people and trying to manage who doesnt need to see the plan. 

    • LucienSouthard's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      adam deltinger  Agree. The ability to manage users for a specific plan would be great. I do not need the whole team to be involved.  I did not see the ability to add a plan to a private channel either. 

      • geertvdv's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I totally agree.
        I had same issue today. I created a plan in private channel.
        I removed all users from the plan that don't need access, but ...these users were also removed from Teams.
        This is absurd, where is the logic ...
    • JohnnyGman's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      adam deltinger  Thanks.  I hope that they change this behavior at some point.  Or at least allow the ability to add multiple Planner apps in a single group.  Especially when they allow subsites but you can't separate different Planners out per subsite (or at least customize the plans for each subsite).


      Regardless, thanks again.

      • Dean_Gross's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        You can have multiple plans for one Group, but its not obvious. To do this, go the SPO site that is associated with the Group, click New, Plan. This provides the ability to have multiple Plans for the Group, it does not provide any security, and everyone in the group can see every plan, but a least you can organize your activities by Plans.
