Forum Discussion
Apr 12, 2017Bronze Contributor
Planner Limitations
Hi Planner Team,
We have noticed that the following are the known limitations in Planner.
- 250 assigned tasks per user irrespective of plans
- 1500 tasks can be created by an user irrespective of plans
- 250 Active tasks (Not Started, In Progress) per plan [Updated 18 Aug 2017]
If an user need to overcome 250 assigned tasks limitation he has to unassign the tasks assigned to him. The worst part to overcome 1500 created tasks limitation is to delete the tasks created by him.
These limitations seems to limit the planner usage. For the long term plans, users will get 250 tasks assigned and 1500 tasks created in a short span of time. Also these limitations are not well documented and this made us to fear about the hidden unknown limitations.
So in order to ease the Planner adoption we request you to declare the limitations and see the possibility to increase these limits. This will only help the organizations to adopt for Planner easily. We have two clients of us who are worst affected by these limitations and reconsidering the usage of planner now.
SanthoshB1 These numbers are way out of date. Please ignore.
- Luis_Garcia1977Copper Contributor
SanthoshB1 Agree with our friend here, I launched planner tasks at my company and now we have this huge milestone with the limits. Now my team members are unwilling to receive, review and complete the automated tasks assigned to them. All was good at the beginning, now we have this issue that has blocked the usage of this incredible Planner tool. We are going back to excel, thank you very much, even considering similar software without the limits.
- SanthoshB1Bronze Contributor
Luis_Garcia1977 I would recommend exporting the completed tasks to Excel and deleting them from the Planner app. By this way, you can overcome the limitations. We had many customers with the same limits issue and suggested this way to overcome.
- Luis_Garcia1977Copper ContributorHello my friend, fortunately my data comes from a form and have it sent to online excel. Then I automated the forms to send notifications and add to planner since we wanted the more team interaction instead of using the boring excel.
- Brian-Smith
The Planner limits document is now public. See - Brian-Smith
SanthoshB1 These numbers are way out of date. Please ignore.
- Omar AliCopper Contributor
With the way Planner is working, I'd rather use NOTEPAD!
- Brian-Smith
Sorry to hear that Omar Ali - what specifically is frustrating you with Planner?
Best regards,
- Omar AliCopper Contributor
Hey Brian-Smith
- Anyone (and I mean anyone that has access to Planner) can:
- Modify /Rename / Delete the Bucket and the ENTIRE contents. Wow! Who fell asleep on this job? Admin can't stop this from happening!
- A team member can modify / rename / delete a task. What's the point of assigning a task when a member of that task can delete it????
- A team member can modify / rename / delete the description. What's the point of having a description when when a member can delete / modify and even change it????
Those alone would make Planner a COMPLETE USELESS product. It should be PULLED out of production and put in an ALPHA THOUGHT process instead of production! Ridiculous! Whoever was in charge of this being released to the public should literally be fired.
- Anyone (and I mean anyone that has access to Planner) can:
- Sarah_EBrass Contributor
I am using Planner to document the actions my team has taken on pieces of equipment, and I need to make sure that there is no limitation on task quantity or age. I need completed tasks to be searchable (another thread - I know this is a work in progress) and be a PERMANENT archive. Can I please get confirmation that complete tasks will never be auto-deleted by the system, regardless of age?
Thank you!
- Clemens RothCopper ContributorWe just came across another limitation: It's not possible to assign more than 11 people to one planner task. (I know, it can be questioned if it makes sense to assign so many people to one task... but it makes sense in this case.) Has anybody else ever seen this limitation or does anybody know if this will be removed in the future?
- v-InfraCopper ContributorHello Clemens,
Same story on my side ! My customer manage tasks for a group of ~17 persons.
Currently, he cannot get over 11 assigned peoples for a single task.
Use Case : A task like "Please review and validate the document blablabla" can be assigned to more than 11 reviewer.
... Please expand this limit too ...
Thibaud- ahyltonCopper Contributor
I found another limitation...
Checklist items cannot have more than 100 characters.
Coming from Trello to Planner, I can certainly understand the frustration in this thread.
- Jim HartzogCopper Contributor
Great point, if Microsoft does increase the # of task how will you you know the results?
- Scott LonheimCopper ContributorHelp us recommend Planner, please. We need it to scale and we need evidence of that.
We like Planner and want it to succeed.
- Dennis LindqvistCopper Contributor
Is this still an issue?
And what should I tell my customers?
Right now we can't provide Planner as a task handler with any amount of viable history handling :/
- Craig MarshallCopper Contributor
After stumbling across this thread I put a ticket on O365 support portal which found its way to the Project Online & Planner support team who confirmed the following limitations (as of 31.07.18)
200 is a limit on the buckets in a Plan.
250 is the limit on active tasks in a Plan.
300 is the limit on tasks assigned to a user.
1500 Overall tasks that can be created in Planner Tenant.
13.92 MB attachment size in Planner.
- Joanna Parkhurst
Hey Craig Marshall -
These limits you've posted are incorrect. In particular, the limit you've bolded is extremely off. I will follow up with our support team to make sure that we're not sharing limits that are wrong and misleading our customers.
Brian-Smith for visibility.
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
Joanna Parkhurst
PM, Microsoft Planner
- Timothy GrimCopper Contributor
I am hitting 400 tasks limit in Flow for Planner - List Tasks - as of 8/15/2018
- David BrownCopper Contributor
Would be nice if we got an update on this... been over a year since someone from Microsoft said they were working on it. Understood you're working on a lot but I would assume this is relatively low hanging fruit... If it can't be done soon it would be helpful to understand the complexities behind what's dragging this out...
- Craig MarshallCopper Contributor
After stumbling across this thread I put a ticket on O365 support portal which found its way to the Project Online & Planner support team who confirmed the following limitations (as of 31.07.18)
200 is a limit on the buckets in a Plan.
250 is the limit on active tasks in a Plan.
300 is the limit on tasks assigned to a user.
1500 Overall tasks that can be created in Planner Tenant.
13.92 MB attachment size in Planner.