Forum Discussion
Jul 31, 2016
In which Office 365 Plans is Planner available?
Pasión por la tecnología... | Todo sobre tecnología Microsoft en general, y SharePoint en partícular… This is a very common question I’m seeing frequently in different Office 365 forums. Fortun...
Bronze Contributor
I'll mention this just in case this is wider-spread than just randomly us, but after 3-4 months of being without Planner (non-prof E1), I noticed today when provisioning a new user that they had the Planner tile, which was odd since I still didn't have it on mine. When visiting a few days ago, I was still told that it was not ready yet.
However, something changed since then, since visiting via any of our accounts now will actually get you to Planner, and a few minutes later the tile even shows up.
I don't know if all users will have to visit that URL to get the tile to show up or if the missing tile is just a temporary thing.
Nov 06, 2016
It should not be in that way, the Tile should appear in the launcher for your tenant as soon as one of your users start using Planner