Creating a planner task from an Outlook meeting

Copper Contributor

Hello Planner community,


I find a number of references and plenty of guidance on how to make your Planner tasks show up in your Outlook calendar, but I'm interested in creating a Planner task from an Outlook meeting (i.e., integrating in the other direction). The specific situation (that happens often) is a client meeting is a significant milestone for planning our workflow in Planner, so it would be useful if that meeting were to show up in the Team's Planner calendar and not just in mine (as the attendee at the client meeting). 


Is there any way to integrate an Outlook meeting into Planner as a task?


Thanks in advance for your help,


4 Replies
Unfortunately such integration is not provided Today between Outlook and Planner. Microsoft is investing in the integration between To-Do and Planner, but not so much in the integration with Outlook

I'm having the same need. Do you know if it is already implemented?

Thanks in advance

@GMV258, it's dead simple with Trello but, as far as I can tell through my research, Planner hasn't caught up yet. 




Try power automate, it has a template called Create a task in Planner based on Office 365 Outlook calendar event