Apr 25 2024 02:57 PM
I have the new Planner. I've created a basic and a premium plan in Planner via the Teams interface and added to a group (my Team). When I go to my Team and try to add a tab at the top of the General Channel for these Planner Plans, they do not show up in "Use an existing plan from this team", even though in Planner it says the plan is Shared with my Teams Team. I am an owner and member of the group/Team. Is this functionality not available yet?
If I go to tasks.office.com and create a new blank (basic) plan there (instead of creating via the Planner app in Teams), then I CAN add to my Teams General Channel as this basic plan appears in the 'Use an existing plan from this team'.
May 20 2024 08:00 AM
Aug 07 2024 03:07 AM
@SaraBaeten the situation prevails, beg of August still the premium plan is not visible. I have used Project App tab instead to archive the similar. Since the Project for The Web and Planner (new) share the same projects, the premium project appears in the list and youy can add it to the team.