Jun 14 2022 08:13 AM
Hey everyone! Did the OWA update last night or something? I ask because I now have a "Home" and "View" tab above the usual action ribbon, but... I see absolutely no other change, lol. I'm so sad because my injected SS is ruined :'(
What's interesting is that an image from an article posted a month ago about the new OWA has the same toolbar I am looking at, but the rest is the old OWA... also interesting is that I am on a business account (365 through GoDaddy) and NO ONE has had this happen to theirs.
Image of the ribbon: https://imgur.com/YuZeesc (help, I want to go back :'( )
Jun 16 2022 06:35 AM
Jun 18 2022 11:14 AM