Signature Line Keeps Disappearing in Outlook Web Application

Copper Contributor

Apparently after weeks of back and forth on this issue via Twitter support I need to bring this to this discussion thread.


My email signature in my business Microsoft 365 account keeps disappearing.  I will set it up and after a few weeks it disappears and stops loading on new and reply messages.  I go back in and add it back, fix all the settings and set it up as a new signature again, because all prevous signatures are also gone.


The email signature loads and is fine, but then a few weeks later it disappears again, requiring it to be set up again.  Can someone please help me fix this or advise how to keep the settings from resetting or disappearing?  IF Microsoft can fix this I would be grateful, but there is a long list of other really annoying issues within Windows 11 that need to be addressed and fixed.


And because you'll ask... I am the account administrator so nothing has changed in the master account settings.


Please advise.

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