Forum Discussion
send email through outlook SMTP
Hi Mahesh_Bhanushali,
you can send emails using Outlook's SMTP settings through a third-party application using these steps:
1. SMTP Server:
You'll need to use the SMTP server provided by Office 365, which is typically ``.
2. Port:
The port is usually set to `587`.
3. SMTP Authentication: This needs to be enabled. You'll use your Office 365 email address and password for this.
4. TLS/StartTLS: This should be enabled. If it's disabled, it could be the reason why emails are not being sent.
These settings might vary based on the specific requirements of your third-party application.
For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the official Microsoft documentation on how to set up a multifunction device or application to send email using Microsoft 365 or Office 365:
How to set up a multifunction device or application to send email using Microsoft 365 or Office 365 | Microsoft Learn
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Leon Pavesic