Forum Discussion

4ntikrau7's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 24, 2021

Outlook MacOS missing teams meeting details

Hey there,


I started reading several issues regarding MS Teams and Outlook for Mac. My first issue on my mac was the one that Outlook kept asking for authentication to add a MS Teams meeting. After I've found how to clear the credentials from the Keychain Access on MacOS, this issue was successfully solved.


But now... If I add a Teams Meeting, all works fine like you can see below:

After I've restarted Outlook or the Mac and I try to set up a new meeting as a Teams meeting, Outlook is loading for a few seconds (I think it's re-authenticating somehow) and then the calendar entry looks like this:


So the meeting details are missing and the only thing found are 3 empty rows. I tried nearly everything, but nothing works except deleting the profile or the account and add them again. That's quite a pain in the a** as I'd have to do it every day and multiple times per day from scratch again.


Can please someone help me?

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