Missing Folder Pane in Outlook 2016

Iron Contributor

We are starting to see people having folder panes missing in Outlook 2016. Must be an upgrade issue. Anyone else experiencing this?


Office version is 16.0.6925.1041

8 Replies

Yes, was an issue few versions back, should be fixed now. What channel are you on?

Don't know. How can I find out?

It's a bug - first showed up over the summer. It happened once to me, but others see it more often.


Hit Alt+F1 to bring it back - that cycles through on/minimized/off - or go to View > folder pane and turn it back on.

Go to File -> Account and check the info under Office update. That particular issue should be fixed in the "first release for current channel build" version 1609 (Build 7369.2038).

The user with this issue was on version 16.0.6925.1041. When I attempted to perform an Office Update for them I got the message that they were already on the current version.


So why is that when the current version is 16.0.7369.2038?

There are several different releases for the subscription version: Insider Fast (16.0.7512.1000), Insider Slow/First Release Current channel (16.0.7369.2024), Current channel, Deferred channel. The volume license is on it's own release schedule and is at or near the same version as the deferred channel.


The easiest way to know what channel you are on is look in file, Office Account - look at the text next to the Office Updates button.

BTW, the version # and release dates are here - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt592918.aspx - it looks like you are on Deferred.

All my work folders disappeared and went back to the archive and filled in folders from 2013.  How do I get them back?