Auto download of images/content

Brass Contributor

Hi, we have a new HR system which doesn't have very good email/notifications built in, so am adding a rule in Exchange Online to add a signature to each email from the external address.


I can see from an Intune policy (see attached) that if enabled and the sender is in the Safe Senders list, images are auto downloaded. However following this guide: Create safe sender lists - Office 365 | Microsoft Docs the email address is part of the mail flow rule and in the AntiSpam rules, but still the image doesnt download.

The image is hosted in Github.

Any ideas?

2 Replies


You've probably solved this already, but you have the policy enabled when it should be disabled. You want to disable the setting to allow the images to display. 

@CampbellHutton @neilcarden 


Here is the video on how to change the settings.


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Is your Outlook email cluttered with red x's instead of images? No need to panic, there's an easy fix that will allow you to display images in your emails. In this video, we'll guide you through the process of changing the Outlook settings to enable automatic image download. 0:00 Introduction 0:06