Mar 22 2018 07:31 AM
We have an issue with offline sync of a library in SharePoint where we are trying to upload large files (1.5 - 5.5GB). If we create an empty library in SharePoint then sync it locally the sync is ok. As soon we add the large files to the local folder then OneDrive complains about lack of space and does not sync to the SharePoint library.
I am not sure where this is derived from? Any ideas would be grateful.
Mar 22 2018 07:46 AM
Mar 22 2018 07:52 AM
Hi @Deleted,
Thanks for your reply and its the OneDrive client. Here's my stupid question. How can I tell the difference. My assumption was that we were using OneDrive for Business and hence the client would be the same but image says OneDrive?
Mar 22 2018 07:53 AM
Mar 22 2018 07:56 AM
SolutionMar 22 2018 08:32 AM
Hi @Deleted,
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately we are tied into a central software update policy but sneakily I could update the client as local admin using the link you sent me and now the sync seems to be working.
Thanks for the solution.
Mar 22 2018 07:56 AM