Forum Discussion

sakthi83's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 25, 2019

MSIX with Pre-requisites

Hello Team,
We have MSI file which was created from Visual Studio 2017 and i am trying to convert the MSI file into MSIX.
My MSIX packaging tool installed properly and I just want to know how to add pre-requisites in MSIX so that MSIX will automatically install if not found.
Our application want below pre-requisites
1..Net Framework 4.6.1
2.Crystal Report Runtime 32& 64 Bit (13.0.24)
One more thing that how i can change the installation path currently it save on (C:\Program Files\WindowsApp)




Thanks & Regards

  • I see John missed this one.


    With the exception of Win7 backrev deployment, .Net 4.6.1 is guaranteed to be there.  MSIX does have a way to indicate package dependencies, but within the MSIX tool this means manually editing the AppXManifest.


    Most of the time, I expect that an MSIX based app that needs Crystal Reports runtime available will need it available within the app MSIX container.  So an external "native" install or even a unrelated MSIX package listed as a package dependency won't meet your needs so going this dependency route will probably not go well for you. 


    You probably can package up Crystal Reports Runtime in an MSIX package, and then your app that depends on it as an Add-On package (Modification package in MSIX Packaging Tool parlance), except that (currently) modification packages don't get shortcuts and you need one (or more) of those.   


    So if you have to put the shortcut into CRR, given these limitations today I'd just make a single package with both parts.  It's not as bad of idea as it sounds, as you probably aren't going to change CRR on it's own and you have single instance download and storage at the block level.  So no matter how many packages you build with the CRR in it, you still only download and store it once on the client.






    • FredrikDahlberg's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Tim Mangan 



      I have a similar problem. I would like to ship an app as an .msix. This app needs to have Sql Server Localdb installed. Our current installer (made by installshield) checks if Localdb is installed, and if not installs it (after having asked the user for permission). 

      Is it possible to achieve something like that with msix?

      • Tim Mangan's avatar
        Tim Mangan
        Changes made by Microsoft to the PSF may be the best way to go. In your package include the PsfLauncher EXE and PsfRuntime DLL and config.json file. Make PsfLauncher the target of the shortcut. Configure the json file to have PsfLauncher run a script before starting the real app. The script must be in PowerShell, perform the check and install if necessary. There may be a UAC prompt. Not sure what to do with that one, though.

