To Do Task Assignment Feature Is Inconvenient & Unable to Set Reminders for Tasks Assigned to Others

Copper Contributor
There are some frustrating limitations to the To Do app right now:
  • Does anyone know if Microsoft will be adding the feature to directly assign tasks to users without having to first create a list, share it with someone, and wait for the person to join the list?
  • Also will Microsoft be enabling the ability to set reminders for people you assign tasks to in To Do? Right now, I can only set reminders for myself, even on tasks I've assigned to someone else in a shared list.
  • I work in a position for a large government agency in which it is often necessary to collaborate with or assign one-off administrative or HR tasks with others who are not members of an MS Team with me, so using Planner to assign a task is not feasible. The ability in Outlook Tasks to assign a task to anyone in our agency's global address book and set a reminder for them is essential. Microsoft, please incorporate these features in the To Do app. 
  • The To Do app seems really awesome except for these two lacking features. It's nice to be able to assign one-off tasks to people outside my working teams and set up reminders for them as we can in Outlook Tasks. I hope Microsoft fixes that before we all must switch to the new Outlook experience and only have the option to use To Do for task assignment and management.
1 Reply
I agree with this post. And, I'm surprised there isn't more uproar about this anywhere online. The inability for assigned tasks to be able to set reminders makes assigned tasks virtually useless.