Support Multiple Accounts/Tenants/Profiles in To Do

Copper Contributor

The "New" Outlook for Mac brilliantly lets me switch between four individual accounts, group them into Profiles (Work and Personal), or lets me see everything together in a consolidated view.  This flexibility is ideal because each option might be the best at any particular time.  I would very much like To Do to offer the same flexibility.  Here are some specific requests:


1. Implement tabs or buttons at the top similar to the vertical "profile picker" buttons in the New Outlook for Mac

2. Have the profile-specific color choices from desktop Outlook carry over to To Do.  In my case, I use red for my Work profile and one of the multicolor options for Personal.

3. Let me add tasks from any account/profile/tenant to My Day and then sort/filter My Day based on the tab or button choices

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