Nov 12 2020 09:56 AM - edited Nov 12 2020 10:01 AM
Outlook and Microsoft To Do are being exploited by spammers to turn our Flagged email list into a cesspool of junk email. Outlook allows any outgoing email to be flagged and To Do will display any flagged email—including those in Outlook's Junk folder. Clearly To Do should filter out anything from the Junk folder.
I've reported this on Twitter and other feedback channels with zero response. Microsoft developers may never encounter this issue because they're behind enterprise-grade firewalls and SPAM filters.
Nov 19 2020 07:04 PM - edited Nov 20 2020 09:41 AM
Dead silence. What kind of community is this?
Is anyone from Microsoft still around? Even if no one else is seeing this issue, perhaps someone could share that feedback?
Dec 19 2020 06:55 AM
@Mike Glenn I just noticed the same issue today. I went on the desktop app to manually delete the tasks. I also noticed some of the tasks were there despite the email being deleted from the junk file. If I have to go do this on a regular basis it will make the to do app experience very bad. I hope someone from Microsoft can provide input. Thanks for posting this.
Dec 29 2020 06:09 PM - edited Dec 29 2020 06:20 PM
@DRFLNY Thank you for taking the time to validate that I'm not the only person in the world seeing this issue. I discovered the Important task smartlist is also impacted by this Junk folder flaw.
I've reported this to Microsoft via multiple channels including here in Tech Community, Feedback Hub and social media such as Twitter and Facebook. So far, it's been completely ignored by Microsoft except for one resource on FB who suggested that I report it to the Outlook team! Despite the fact that it makes zero sense to try and blame this To Do flaw on Outlook, I went ahead and reported it to them as well. The result? No response. I'm starting to wonder if it will take an article in one or more of the large tech publications to get thier attention.
Anyway, there are much bigger issues in the world that need attention. Let's hope for a brighter and healthier 2021 for all of us!
Mar 12 2021 10:44 AM
SolutionSep 10 2021 03:44 AM
Hi Mike- It looks like this issue was cleared up temporarily- I have 400+flagged junk mails in my Microsoft To Do app- which is really a shame, I was hoping to use it but this makes it useless for me. I will have to see if I can report it as you did. If you are still active on this, can you point me in the right direction? Thank you for speaking up about this-
Sep 10 2021 11:49 AM - edited Sep 12 2021 07:24 AM
@LisaK10 Hello, Lisa. This problem was completely resolved for me back in February 2021. I haven't seen any junk email in my To Do smart lists since then. The fix was on Microsoft's side, so it should have resolved the issue for everyone. Nothing was done specifically to my devices other than updating to the latest version of To Do.
That being said, I did have to manually remove all the flagged and important junk email tasks that made it into To Do before the fix. Check the dates on all those. They should all be from earlier this year (assuming your To Do version has been updated).
Nov 25 2021 03:27 AM
This problem has resurfaced AGAIN recently! I have had over 10 spam emails correctly identified as junk but flagged in tasks to-do. Entirely Microsoft related as I am only accessing through and
Dec 01 2021 10:33 AM
@Mike GlennI have the same issue continuing. It is really frustrating and a huge time waster. If this can't be resolved it really takes away any value ToDo could bring. couldn't temporarily you set up a way that ToDo doen't create, or automatically deletes tasks created by email in the JunkMail folder?
Dec 01 2021 02:21 PM
As soon as the issue occurred it disappeared again (probably after an update - certainly on my android device)... I noticed that an email in junk had the "important" and "flagged" markers BUT it was NOT showing in my task list. My issue last week was that items identified as junk where still appearing in Task List (so I'm happy that the issue is resolved).
Apr 13 2022 07:19 AM
this issue still persists. Is there anything that can be done on our end?
JUNK emails now show up in the "Important" list as well as "Flagged email" and "My Day - Suggestions"
Apr 13 2022 08:27 AM - edited Apr 13 2022 01:39 PM
@mgratton1002 wrote:this issue still persists. Is there anything that can be done on our end?
JUNK emails now show up in the "Important" list as well as "Flagged email" and "My Day - Suggestions"
@mgratton1002 Yes, I see this problem has started again after being fixed for about a year (for me at least). But I'm just a regular user like you, not Microsoft support. You need to direct this issue to Microsoft.
Obviously, no one from Microsoft is paying attention here in Tech Community, so it's time to hit the social media (twitter, reddit, etc) and Feedback Hub again. Sadly, Microsoft's social media managers ignored or dismissed this issue for months back then, so the more users mentioning it, the more chance it will be noticed by someone who cares enough to follow up.
Meanwhile, I'll search for the emails I received from a Microsoft engineer after giving up on other forms of asistance and contacting Microsoft support directly. Hopefully that person is still around and on the same team or someone else there will be as knowledgable.
UPDATE: The issue appears to be temporary and has now been resolved. See my response to @definedrisk. In my case, all the flagged and important junk emails that To Do imported are dated April 9-11. If that's the case for you as well, then we just have to clean up the mess left behind and hope this doesn't happen again...
Apr 13 2022 08:52 AM - edited Apr 13 2022 01:34 PM
@definedrisk I believe you are correct. After being free of junk email in my Flagged and Important smartlists for about a year, it suddenly started appearing again on April 9th, then suddenly stopped again two days ago (April 11). I also see junk emails marked as important and/or flagged on April 12 and 13 (today) and none appear in my To Do smart folders.
Hopefully it won't happen again. Meanwhile, three days of junk mail getting into To Do has left quite a mess behind for us to clean up. Having to delete 30-40 (in my case) junk tasks one-at-a-time while being careful not to delete legitimate tasks is a royal PITA! Deleting all the junk emails from Outlook still leaves all the tasks behind. 😞
My guess is someone forgot to include the patch for this issue in the previous update, then noticed and patched it again a couple days ago.
Feb 02 2023 07:37 AM
May 18 2023 10:06 AM
Jun 20 2023 01:39 PM
Jun 30 2023 04:40 PM
same. How do we delete these spam tasks en-masse? I have hundreds in my Microsoft To Do now that I want to start using it.
Jun 30 2023 05:09 PM
I Never found a way to delete them enmasse, but it certainly helped to first sort everything 'by importance' since the spammers typically sent them as 'High importance' (which shows up as 'starred' in Microsoft To Do) This can be done either in the phone app (via sort options) or Outlook desktop. Then, I chose to actually 'delete' them (vs just checking as 'done' since I didn't want them to still be listed if I chose to view my 'completed' tasks) Meanwhile, things seem to have greatly improved recently! i.e. some days no new ones added, so there's hope if you're willing to wade through all of the old 'garbage'
Jul 01 2023 12:48 AM
Since my post over a year ago this issue has been surfacing and then sorting itself out again shortly afterwards. It must be something to do with the way updates are rollled out.
As all the offending items are marked as spam/junk it is a simple case of empting the spam/junk email folder. But it is annoying when it happens. The very occasional email the arrives which is not marked as spam can be soon dealt with in the usual way.
Mar 12 2021 10:44 AM