Feb 15 2023 06:15 AM
Hi , I am trying to use this Microsoft tool to verify Teams Network connectivity from my office :
But it always showed error:
Starting Service Connectivity Check:
Please ensure your firewall allows connections to the following domains: *.cc.skype.com
Please check if IP is reachable using HTTP
Service verifications failed."
It's always the same message, but the IP could change to other 52.114.201.xx IP.
The problem is I have no problem to connect to those IP's port 80 and 443.
I captured the traffic to (attached the capture ) and the communication looks normal:
There was TLS handshake and then there are some data transferred via TLS1.2.
The server certificate is *.flightproxy.teams.microsoft.com signed by Microsoft ( and I traced DNS and found the real DNS is latm-noam.flightproxy.teams.microsoft.com ).
I can access https://latm-noam.flightproxy.teams.microsoft.com/ and confirm the certificate is trusted and signed by "Microsoft RSA TLS CA 02".
So I have no idea why the assess tool is complaining is not reachable?
Any help is appreciated.
Feb 15 2023 06:18 AM
Feb 15 2023 08:27 AM