New capabilities coming soon to the SharePoint Migration Tool
Published Oct 08 2018 07:40 PM 16K Views

The SharePoint Migration Tool is designed to simplify your journey to the cloud through a free, simple, and fast solution to migrate content from on-premises SharePoint sites and file shares to SharePoint or OneDrive in Office 365.  The SharePoint Migration Tool allows you to accelerate your journey to Office 365 overcoming obstacles typically associated with migration projects.  With the SharePoint Migration Tool you can evaluate and address the information that matters the most to your organization, the Libraries, and now Lists that form the foundation of the SharePoint experience.


At Microsoft Ignite we announced several new capabilities coming soon to the SharePoint Migration Tool to include:


  • Windows PowerShell cmdlets to allow for a more programmatic and automated migration approach when using the SharePoint Migration Tool, available now.
  • Support for complete SharePoint Server 2013 site migrations to include subsites, coming in January 2019 as preview.
  • A new look and feel that is more closely aligned with the SharePoint Online design for easier use, available now in First Release builds.  

    2018-10-08 (1).png


To learn more about these and other improvements to the SharePoint Migration Tool refer to


And listen to the recent The Intrazone podcast all about the SharePoint admin experience in Office 365, "Cloud admins are human, too" episode #16 with Ben Stegink (SharePoint consultant at Intelligink), myself, Chris McNulty (SharePoint PMM / Microsoft) and Mark Kashman (SharePoint PMM / Microsoft).

Version history
Last update:
‎Oct 18 2018 11:20 AM
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